Frames with JetMaster Jumbo profiles opening on just 2 sides - instead of 4 - to change the poster. Spring JumboBase is suitable for exterior use - resistant against high wind forces. Dimensions of the base: 1090 x 1090 mm, filled with water. Anti-reflective PVC cover with the water-protection-border on the bottom protects your poster from retained water. The back side of the frame is made of plastic w. 5 mm.
JetMaster Jumbo Stand 2xA0 JMJUM/2A0
Frames with JetMaster Jumbo profiles opening on just 2 sides - instead of 4 - to change the poster. Spring JumboBase is suitable for exterior use - resistant against high wind forces. Dimensions of the base: 1090 x 1090 mm, filled with water. Anti-reflective PVC cover with the water-protection-border on the bottom protects your poster from retained water. The back side of the frame is made of plastic w. 5 mm.
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